Eheim VivalineLED 180 Aquarium Set

The perfect introduction to the fishkeeping hobby

At a glance...
  • 180 litre aquarium set
  • Total dimensions (H x W x D): 119 x 101 x 41cm
  • Comes with a filter, LED lighting and heater

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What is the Eheim VivalineLED 180 Aquarium Set?

The Eheim VivalineLED 180 Aquarium Set is a 180 litre freshwater aquarium and cabinet, that is all perfectly coordinated as part of an all inclusive set. This set features LED lighting, a cabinet that is available in 3 colours, a filter, heater, and biological filter media. You will only need to add fish, plants and decorations. The Eheim VivalineLED aquariums provide an incredible fishkeeping experience and come with everything you need to get started.

Key Features:

  • 180 litre aquarium set
  • Tank dimensions (H x W x D): 45 x 100 x 40cm
  • Total dimensions (H x W x D): 119 x 101 x 41cm
  • Comes with everything you need to get started
  • Features LED lights, a cabinet, filter, heater and media
  • Cabinet is available in 3 colours
  • Great for planted aquariums
  • Provides an incredible fishkeeping experience
  • Comes with Eheim Biopower Internal Filter
  • Great for peaceful community aquariums
  • Excellent performance from equipment
  • Includes Eheim Daylight classicLED lights

What filter comes with the Eheim VivalineLED 180 Aquarium Set?

The Eheim VivalineLED 180 set comes with the Eheim Biopower Internal Filters, these offer multiple layers of filtering, just like you would find with an external canister filter.

The modular filter design has a prefilter cartridge followed by closed filter baskets. These are linked together with the easy click locking system for simple connection and detachment.

At the base of the filter where the water enters, the mechanical prefilter cartridge removes solid matter before the water enters the biological media in the baskets. These baskets are filled with the highly efficient Eheim SubstratPro Sintered quartz.

There is also an included power diffuser for strong oxygen enrichment and a spray bar for natural surface movement, although only one item can be used at a time.

As an advanced internal filter, these are especially good for planted and peaceful community aquariums. The Eheim Ecco Pro external filters have so many qualities. They give outstanding filtering performance, have powerful yet energy efficient motors, built to a high standard, easy to use, and inexpensive to buy. Ecco Pro filters are a very good choice for tropical community and planted aquariums.

What lighting comes with the Eheim VivalineLED 180 Aquarium Set?

The Eheim VivalineLED 180 Aquarium Set is supplied with the energy efficient Eheim Daylight classicLED lighting which are perfect for most fish and plants. They are also movable for maintenance, and there is plenty of room to add additional lighting. Covering frames have been firmly fitted on the top with sliding cover panes made of high-quality aluminium composite panels to provide easy access to the aquarium.

Volume 180 Litres
Glass Thickness 8mm
Tank Dimensions (H x W x D) 45 x 100 x 40cm
Total Dimensions (H x W x D) 119 x 101 x 41cm
Filter Eheim Biopower 200
Heater Eheim Thermocontrol 150
Lighting 1 x 13.4 classicLED daylight
Manufacturer Guarantee 3 Years
Energy Efficiency Class F
Comes Pre-Assembled? No
Marine? No
Freshwater? Yes
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