At a glance...
  • Reduces suspended algae and green water
  • Easy to install in your EazyPod
  • Improves clarity and can help to prevent disease
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What is the Evolution Aqua EazyPod 18W UV?

The Evolution Aqua EazyPod 18W UV is a UV clarifier that makes the perfect accessory for the EazyPod filtration system. This essential addition to your Evolution Aqua EazyPod allows you to get the best possible performance out of your filter, keeping your pond water healthier and clearer.

This UV clarifier is suitable for larger ponds due to the high wattage. The 18W bulb helps you to effectively clear green water from your pond easily and quickly.

How does a UV clarifier benefit my pond?

A UV clarifier is an essential for pondkeepers as it helps to maintain clear and healthy water in your pond. UV clarifiers aid with algae control, reducing green water caused by algae and through this improve your water clarity by reducing the amount of suspended particles in your water. UV clarifiers are also known to help deactivate harmful bacteria or other pathogens that may be in your pond, reducing the risk of disease in your fish.

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