Algae and Pests

  1. How an aquarium UV steriliser can benefit your tank
    Categories: AquariumsEquipmentAlgae and Pests

    How an aquarium UV steriliser can benefit your tank

    Two of the biggest problems any aquarium owner will face are fish disease and nuisance algae.
  2. How to get rid of algae in an aquarium
    Categories: AquariumsAlgae and Pests

    How to get rid of algae in an aquarium

    Algae is the bane of many aquatic keepers life, but there are simple ways to prevent and get rid of it. Read our help guide to learn how.
  3. How to control pond algae
    Categories: PondsAlgae and Pests

    How to control pond algae

    With so much chemistry going on in your pond, having a lookthrough a pond algae trouble shooter might just save you the heartache of a green and stagnant pond.
  4. UV light for pond algae: how does it work and why use it?
    Categories: PondsEquipmentAlgae and Pests

    UV light for pond algae: how does it work and why use it?

    One of the biggest weapons against algae in a pond keeper’s arsenal is a professional standard UVC, or Ultra Violet Clarifier.
  5. Top 10 algae busting tips
    Categories: AquariumsAlgae and Pests

    Top 10 algae busting tips

    Read our experts guide on how to prevent and exterminate algae from your fish tank with our top 10 algae busting tips.
  6. UV Clarifier maintenance: Basic care and repairs
    Categories: PondsEquipmentAlgae and Pests

    UV Clarifier maintenance: Basic care and repairs

    Most pond owners utilise a UVC system to combat green water, but they aren't without the need for maintenance, so how do we care for and maintain one?

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