
  1. Axolotls: What Are They And How Do You Care For Them?
    Categories: Fish

    Axolotls: What Are They And How Do You Care For Them?

    Axolotls are taking the world by storm. But what are these cute oddballs, and how do you care for them?
  2. Pond Fish: A Beginner's Guide To Common UK Varieties
    Categories: PondsFish

    Pond Fish: A Beginner's Guide To Common UK Varieties

    There are many different types of pond fish that can be kept in UK garden ponds year-round. Let's take a look at some of the most popular...
  3. 10 Best Algae Eating Fish For Freshwater Fish Tanks
    Categories: AquariumsAlgae and PestsFish

    10 Best Algae Eating Fish For Freshwater Fish Tanks

    Adding algae eating fish to your aquarium is the best way to naturally get rid of algae. Here are 10 of the best algae eaters...
  4. The Complete Swell Guide to Buying Live Aquarium Fish Online
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    The Complete Swell Guide to Buying Live Aquarium Fish Online

    If you're new to this hobby, you may wonder about the best way to buy your fish. While visiting a local fish store is a popular choice, there's another option...
  5. How to set up an aquarium for tropical fish
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How to set up an aquarium for tropical fish

    Unsure where to start with your new tropical aquarium? Here’s our guide to everything you need to get started.
  6. How many marine fish in a 60-litre tank?
    Categories: AquariumsReefkeepingFish

    How many marine fish in a 60-litre tank?

    Due to advances in the marine hobby, it is now possible to keep fish and even corals in small tanks like the Fluval Sea Evo and other tanks of similar volume.
  7. How to raise pH in an African cichlid tank
    Categories: AquariumsWater QualityFish

    How to raise pH in an African cichlid tank

    Cichlids from Africa’s Rift Valley are adapted to hard, alkaline water with a high pH in the wild, and should be given similar water conditions in the aquarium.
  8. How to do a water change without killing fish?
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How to do a water change without killing fish?

    Water changes are really important for fish tanks. They lower pollutant levels and can add buffers, freshening up the tank and aiding fish growth.
  9. What is the best marine fish food?
    Categories: AquariumsReefkeepingFish

    What is the best marine fish food?

    Marine fish have evolved to take advantage of all the different types of food that are available in the ocean, so their foods need to be diverse.

Items 1 to 9 of 83 total