Help and advice on shopping for: Orandas
What are oranda goldfish?
Orandas are a type of fancy goldfish known for their stout bodies, long, trailing fins and prominent, bubble-like ‘hoods’ (sometimes known as wens) on their heads. They’re selectively bred for these desirable traits, as well as their colours. There are many different colour morphs available in the fishkeeping hobby, but some of the most popular are panda orandas, red cap orandas, and black orandas.
How long do oranda goldfish live for?
Like other fancy goldfish, oranda goldfish can live for up to 15 years if they’re given proper care and attention. This involves housing them in a suitably sized environment, i.e. an aquarium that can hold at least 100L of water, and feeding them a nutritious diet of high-quality fancy goldfish food. By doing these things you’ll ensure that your oranda lives a long and happy life.
What do oranda goldfish eat?
As omnivores, oranda goldfish eat both animal matter and plant matter. The best type of fish food for orandas, and other fancy goldfish for that matter, are nutrient-rich sinking pellets. These provide orandas with everything they need to grow and maintain their vivid colours. You can also offer your orandas some blanched vegetables on occasion, particularly if they’re suffering from constipation.
How big do oranda goldfish get?
Orandas can grow to sizes of around 30cm. While they may look small when they’re young, they quickly put on size and will outgrow small aquariums (<100L). As a rule of thumb, you should aim to keep one oranda per 100L of water. If you’re planning on keeping several together, you can relax this rule a little – though more water is always better! At the end of the day, orandas are messy fish and need to be kept in large aquariums equipped with powerful filters.