Filter Socks and Fleece Rolls

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Help and advice on shopping for: Filter Socks and Fleece Rolls

Efficient and effective aquarium filtration

Fleece filters are constantly refreshing filters that reduce the strain on biological media and filter pumps in marine tanks. With a fleece aquarium filter, you can strain harmful toxins from your water and remove them instantly. Our range of fleece filters includes top brands D&D and TMC.

What are fleece filters?

Fleece filters are essentially a double wall of thick fleece created by a loop of fabric hung between two drums. The fleece filters water before it reaches a filter pump or biological filtration media, removing a lot of grime and harmful waste. In automatic models, once the fleece becomes clogged in grime, the water level will rise and trigger the drum to move, pulling the used fleece out of the water and replacing it with a clean strip of fabric, in manual models you will have to do this yourself.

Why should I buy fleece filters?

Fleece filters remove grime from your marine tank quickly and easily without leaving it in the water where it can continue to cause damage as a filter sock does. Fleece filters only need occasional upkeep, replacing the roll of fleece, and they slow the build-up of grime on filter media so you'll spend less time maintaining that too.

What are the main types of fleece filters?

There are manual and automotive fleece filters. Automotive fleece filters are triggered when water starts to build up due to the fleece becoming clogged with grime, at this point the drums will rotate and the dirty fleece will be removed from the water. Manual fleece filters require manual turning via a small hand crank when the fleece becomes clogged with grime.

What should I look for?

When buying a fleece filter, you'll need to check the recommended tank size and flow rate to ensure that it matches up with the rest of your aquarium and filter system. It may also be beneficial to look at the Wattage of your fleece filter as it will be constantly running. We recommend buying some replacement rolls with your fleece filter so you're all set when it runs low.