Saltwater Fish
Help and advice on shopping for: Saltwater Fish
What marine fish can you keep?
There are thousands of different types of fish that you can keep in a marine aquarium, and more are being introduced to the hobby every year! Some of the most popular types of marine fish, or saltwater fish, include Clownfish, Angelfish, Tangs, Butterflyfish, Gobies, and Blennies. When kept together in an aquarium, these fish create thriving communities similar to those seen in reefs across the world, for example in the Red Sea.

How long do marine fish live?
Not all fish are the same; some live for just a few years while others can, provided they’re given proper care and attention, live for decades. The most popular type of fish in the reef keeping hobby, Clownfish, live for roughly 10 years in captivity. It’s important that you do your research prior to purchasing any fish and learn the best ways to care for them. As long as you do that, your fish should live long and happy lives.

What marine fish can live together?
While they may share habitats in the wild, not all fish can live together harmoniously in an enclosed environment like a home aquarium. Some fish, like Angelfish, can be quite boisterous, while others, like Gobies, can be relatively shy, avoiding their larger and more aggressive tankmates. It’s important that you research a fish’s temperament before you purchase it and add it to your reef tank. On all of our livestock listings we include some information regarding fish compatibility.