Help and advice on shopping for: Aquarian
Committed to better nutrition, Aquarian fish foods are renowned for using natural ingredients formulated into digestible flakes and pellets that your fish will love. Using their fish food, you're ensuring that every fish in your aquarium is receiving all the nutrients it needs to be healthy, so it will behave more naturally and exhibit the best colours possible for you to see.
Aquarian Tropical Fish Food is made with natural ingredients to better replicate the natural diet of tropical fish in the wild. It is this diet that their bodies have evolved to eat and ensures their health and happiness, aided by a more natural diet that gives them the vitamins, minerals, and proteins they need.
Aquarian believe that replicating their natural food sources as closely as possible is the best way to ensure your coldwater fish have the best diet. The Aquarian Cold Water fish food contains the types of nutrients that coldwater fish consume and enjoy. Packed with natural vitamins, omega fatty acids and all the protein and carbs fish need to stay healthy, this is a tailor-made fish food that helps your fish live longer, exhibiting their natural behaviour and displaying the very best colours for you to enjoy. Fed regularly using the “all you can eat for two minutes” approach works best with this high-quality fish food, ensuring that no food gets wasted and left in the tank.