
American Cichlids, colourful tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryAmerican Cichlids, colourful tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Angelfish, great community fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryAngelfish, great community fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Apistogrammas, interesting dwarf cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryApistogrammas, interesting dwarf cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Barbs, lively, active tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryBarbs, lively, active tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Bettas, great for small fish tanks, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryBettas, great for small fish tanks, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Bichirs, oddball fish, great for large aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UKBichirs, oddball fish, great for large aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK
Catfish, huge variety of catfish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryCatfish, huge variety of catfish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Corydoras, peaceful bottom dweller, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryCorydoras, peaceful bottom dweller, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Crabs, tropical freshwater crabs, buy online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryCrabs, tropical freshwater crabs, buy online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Danios, lively and colourful tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryDanios, lively and colourful tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Discus, large and colourful tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryDiscus, large and colourful tropical fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Eels, interesting oddball fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryEels, interesting oddball fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Flowerhorns, aggressive hybrid cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryFlowerhorns, aggressive hybrid cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Frogs, oddball amphibians, great for aquariums, buy online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryFrogs, oddball amphibians, great for aquariums, buy online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Geophagus, peaceful eartheater, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryGeophagus, peaceful eartheater, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Gobies, tiny, interesting fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryGobies, tiny, interesting fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Gouramis, colourful, great for community aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UKGouramis, colourful, great for community aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK
Guppies, colourful livebearers, great for small aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UKGuppies, colourful livebearers, great for small aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK
Haplochromis, colourful African cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryHaplochromis, colourful African cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Killifish, great breeding project, colourful fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryKillifish, great breeding project, colourful fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Knifefish, oddball fish, great for large aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UKKnifefish, oddball fish, great for large aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK
Kribensis, colourful dwarf cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryKribensis, colourful dwarf cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Labidochromis, lively African cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryLabidochromis, lively African cichlids, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Loaches, great bottom dwellers, buy loaches online from Swell UK, tropical fishLoaches, great bottom dwellers, buy loaches online from Swell UK, tropical fish
Mollies, colourful livebearers, lots of varieties, sailfin mollies, buy tropical fish at Swell UKMollies, colourful livebearers, lots of varieties, sailfin mollies, buy tropical fish at Swell UK
Oscars, large and personable tropical fish, great for large aquariums, online fish for sale at Swell UKOscars, large and personable tropical fish, great for large aquariums, online fish for sale at Swell UK
Parrot Cichlids, colourful hybrid cichlids, great for large aquariums, online fish for sale at Swell UKParrot Cichlids, colourful hybrid cichlids, great for large aquariums, online fish for sale at Swell UK
Peacock Bass, large tropical fish for big fish tanks, buy fish online from Swell UKPeacock Bass, large tropical fish for big fish tanks, buy fish online from Swell UK
Peacock Cichlids, colourful and lively African cichlids, great for large aquariums, buy online from Swell UKPeacock Cichlids, colourful and lively African cichlids, great for large aquariums, buy online from Swell UK
Pencilfish, interesting community fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryPencilfish, interesting community fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Platies, colourful and active livebearers, great for community aquariums, buy at Swell UKPlaties, colourful and active livebearers, great for community aquariums, buy at Swell UK
Plecos, great algae eaters for community aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryPlecos, great algae eaters for community aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Pufferfish, interesting oddball fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryPufferfish, interesting oddball fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Rainbowfish, lively and colourful community fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryRainbowfish, lively and colourful community fish, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Rams, colourful dwarf cichlids, community aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK, specialist deliveryRams, colourful dwarf cichlids, community aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK, specialist delivery
Rasboras, tiny fish great for nano aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryRasboras, tiny fish great for nano aquariums, buy fish online from Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Ricefish, suitable for unheated aquariums, variety of colours, buy fish online from Swell UKRicefish, suitable for unheated aquariums, variety of colours, buy fish online from Swell UK
Severums, large, colourful community fish, shop fish online at Swell UK, fast, specialist deliverySeverums, large, colourful community fish, shop fish online at Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Shrimp, neocaridina and caridina shrimp, buy shrimp online at Swell UK, fast, specialist deliveryShrimp, neocaridina and caridina shrimp, buy shrimp online at Swell UK, fast, specialist delivery
Snails, lots of varieties, apple, assassin, zebra, and more, shop snails online at Swell UKSnails, lots of varieties, apple, assassin, zebra, and more, shop snails online at Swell UK
Snakeheads, striking oddball fish, great for species-only aquariums, tropical fish for sale online at Swell UKSnakeheads, striking oddball fish, great for species-only aquariums, tropical fish for sale online at Swell UK
Stingrays, great fish for large, specialist aquariums, shop tropical fish online at Swell UKStingrays, great fish for large, specialist aquariums, shop tropical fish online at Swell UK
Swordtails, colourful livebearers, cousins to platies, shop tropical fish online at Swell UKSwordtails, colourful livebearers, cousins to platies, shop tropical fish online at Swell UK
Tanganyikan Cichlids, african cichlids for hard water aquariums, shop tropical fish online at Swell UKTanganyikan Cichlids, african cichlids for hard water aquariums, shop tropical fish online at Swell UK
Tetras, lively, colourful fish, come in many varieties, buy tropical fish online at Swell UKTetras, lively, colourful fish, come in many varieties, buy tropical fish online at Swell UK
Tropheus, large cichlids for hard water aquariums, shop tropical fish online at Swell UKTropheus, large cichlids for hard water aquariums, shop tropical fish online at Swell UK
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Help and advice on shopping for: Tropical

What are tropical fish?

Typically, those fish found in tropical environments fall under the umbrella term of ‘tropical fish’. This includes many of the most iconic fish in the fishkeeping hobby, including Tetras, Angelfish, and Bettas, as well as some lesser-known varieties like Apistogrammas, Bichirs, and Killifish.

community aquarium with different fish species

There are 1000s of different types of tropical fish, split between freshwater and saltwater environments, though most fish sold in the fishkeeping hobby under the label ‘tropical fish’ are freshwater species.

Do tropical fish need a heater?

In most cases, yes. Most tropical fish come from tropical environments where water temperatures often exceed 20°C, sometimes 30°C!

This means that they need to be kept in heated aquariums equipped with a quality aquarium heater. The best aquarium heaters are often adjustable, allowing you to pick from a range of temperatures and select the most suitable setting for your tropical fish.

aquarium heater in a fish tank

How do you care for tropical fish?

While they may need some specialist care, it’s a myth that tropical fish are difficult to care for. As long as you provide them with a suitably sized aquarium, equipped with a heater and filter, and offer them nutritious fish food, they’ll thrive.

If you’re unsure about how to create the perfect environment for your tropical fish, then check out our help guides here. These help guides contain all the information you’ll need to set up your new fish tank and ensure the health of all its inhabitants.