At a glance...
  • 18W PLL UV replacement bulb
  • High UV output allows for greater algae control
  • Single ended twin UV tube
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Swell 18w PLL UV replacement Bulbs / Tubes fit into a wide range of major pond branded equipment that requires PLL UV lamps.

Ultra Violet light eradicates single algae cells and forces them to mass together for easier removal. This means a clearer, algae free pond and generally better conditions for plants and fish.

Our own branded PLL bulbs compare more than favourably with the leading manufacturers, and thanks to our amazing buy get one free offer, you get fantastic value for money too!

Key Features:

  • Swell PLL Bulbs are a single ended, twin tube with four pins at one end.
  • High UV output allows for greater algae control.
  • Can be used on: Oase Bitron, Blagdon UV's, Aqua Medic UV's and any other UV device that requires PLL.
  • Buy one get one free!
Wattage 18W
Bulb length (from bulb end to plastic end, excluding pins) 216 mm
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