Help Guides

  1. How many fish can I add to my 30L Tank? BiOrb Guide
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How many fish can I add to my 30L Tank? BiOrb Guide

    BiOrbs are very popular aquariums and come in a number of sizes including 15, 30, 60 and even 105 litre volumes, but how many fish can you keep in each one?

  2. How long do tropical fish live?
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How long do tropical fish live?

    Tropical fish range in size, diet, temperament, water conditions, but also how long they live for. So how long do they live?

  3. How to clean a tropical fish tank
    Categories: Aquariums

    How to clean a tropical fish tank

    Clean tanks equal happy owners, so by keeping your tank clean, you are more likely to enjoy it and stay in the hobby. Clean tanks are better for fish too.

  4. How deep should a pond be?
    Categories: Ponds

    How deep should a pond be?

    Pond water depth is critical to what you want to put in it. Wildlife, goldfish, koi and pond plants all have different depth requirements which you should match.

  5. Pond volume calculator - how many gallons are in my pond?
    Categories: Ponds

    Pond volume calculator - how many gallons are in my pond?

    Knowing the volume of your pond is critical to stocking with fish, adding filtration, and treating the water, so how do we work it out?

  6. How to clean a pond without draining it
    Categories: Ponds

    How to clean a pond without draining it

    Pond cleaning is an unenviable task, but it needs doing. If you don’t clean a pond it will fill up with leaves and debris, and plants and algae may overgrow.

  7. What temperature should tropical aquarium fish be kept at?
    Categories: Aquariums

    What temperature should tropical aquarium fish be kept at?

    We often divide freshwater fish into two types – tropical and coldwater, but what defines a tropical fish, and what temperature is tropical?

  8. How to set up a planted aquarium without CO2
    Categories: AquariumsAquascaping

    How to set up a planted aquarium without CO2

    Planted tanks can be some of the most beautiful aquariums, and live aquatic plants can benefit fish too. Is CO2 essential for a planted tank?

  9. How to lower GH in your aquarium
    Categories: AquariumsWater Quality

    How to lower GH in your aquarium

    GH is an abbreviation for General Hardness, and it’s a reference to how hard or soft your water is, so how do we lower GH?