
What is this Bio-CO2 Pro Refill Pack from Fluval?

This Fluval Bio-CO2 Pro Refill Pack comes with additional reagents to keep your Bio-CO2 Pro low-pressure CO2 system running for months. In each box there are four sachets of activator yeast and four booster tablets.

There are enough yeast sachets and booster tablets in these refill packs to keep a Bio-CO2 Pro 125L running for up to four months, and a Bio-CO2 Pro 250L running for up to two months.

Fluval's activator yeast has been specially crafted for rapid-start fermentation and maximum CO2 production. Their booster tablets have also been designed to jump-start the fermentation process, ensuring your CO2 system gets up and running straight away. These reagents are packed in air-tight, aluminium-lined sachets for consistent quality and storage for up to two years.

Why is CO2 important for a planted aquarium?

Not all aquariums require CO2, but for those packed with live plants, CO2 can dramatically enhance the growth rates, colours, and health of said plants. Some aquatic plants need a constant supply of CO2 to grow, without it they'll struggle to establish themselves in a home aquarium.

To get the most out of your Bio-CO2 Pro, use it in partnership with a high-quality light and some nutritious plant fertiliser. This will give your plants everything they need, and then some.

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