Hugo Kamishi Aquascaping Decor Display Kit 6

Create a professional grey rock aquascape

100 % of 100
At a glance...
  • Everything you need to create an iconic aquascape
  • Designed to be friendly to first-time aquascapers
  • Easy to keep clean
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This Hugo Kamishi rock display makes creating an impressive aquascape display simple, made up of 7 different rock designs that you can position how you like in your aquarium. The full kit is suitable for 80-100cm aquariums you can of course use less rocks if you have a smaller aquarium, to create the different heights the individual pieces are hollow at the bottom so they can be buried in your aquarium substrate or sand.

If you would like to use real plants within the resin rocks, we would recommend using Eco Complete substrate from the Caribsea range or the Tropica substrate. Included with this kit are detailed instruction on how to create the look in the picture but you can place these rocks in endless different formations.

The decor within these kits are easy to clean , just remove from your aquarium and rinse out in some aquarium water . Any algae which has accumulated can be removed by a cloth.

  • Please note that the video and the image show the plant pack and the rock pack being put together. The video shows one way to put together the masterpiece, there are very clear instructions on how to achieve this effect within the pack but there are 100's of combinations on ways to put these displays together.

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