Ranchus are a type of fancy goldfish known for their egg-shaped bodies, deep bellies, cute faces, and lack of a dorsal fin. Like other types of fancy goldfish, they’re selectively bred for these specific traits, as well as their colours. There are lots of different ranchu goldfish colour morphs, from calico ranchu goldfish to black ranchu goldfish and everything in between!
Ranchus typically have smaller fins than other types of fancy goldfish, so they don’t tend to grow quite as large. Still, adults can reach sizes of 15-20cm if they’re properly cared for and fed a nutritious diet of high-quality fancy goldfish food. A fish this big needs a lot of swimming room; this is why we recommend aquariums that can hold at least 100L of water for ranchus and other types of fancy goldfish – though bigger is always better.
As members of the carp family, ranchu goldfish are quite long-lived compared to other types of fish. If they’re provided with the right care and kept in a suitably sized aquarium equipped with a powerful filter, ranchus can live for up to 15 years, maybe even longer. The longest-lived goldfish on record, a common goldfish known as Tish, lived to the remarkable age of 43!
Ranchus, like other types of fancy goldfish, appreciate a balanced diet that’s made up of both plant matter and animal matter. They’re omnivorous and not at all picky when it comes to food, eating anything from standard fish flakes to the duckweed that often takes over the surface of planted aquariums. We recommend you feed your ranchu goldfish a variety of high-quality fish foods specially formulated for fancy goldfish. These foods will give your ranchu everything it needs to grow and maintain its vivid colours.