Tropical Fish

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Help and advice on shopping for: Tropical Fish

How do you set up a tropical fish tank?

The first and most important step when setting up a tropical fish tank is purchasing the right aquarium for yours and your fish’s needs. When it comes to choosing an aquarium, bigger is always better. As well as giving your fish more space to swim, a larger aquarium will also make your water parameters (e.g. temperature, pH, nutrient levels) easier to maintain.

cleaning a tropical fish tank full of tropical fish

Once you have your aquarium, you can fill it with a wide variety of decorations, including ornaments, driftwood, rock, and plants. Then, install your filter, heater, and light before leaving your aquarium for a few days to let it cycle. For more information about how to cycle a fish tank, check out our help guide here.

What temperature should a tropical fish tank be?

Nearly all tropical fish come from tropical environments where water temperatures often exceed 20°C, sometimes 30°C! This means that they need to be kept in fish tanks equipped with powerful and reliable heaters. What temperature setting you should choose for your tropical fish tank ultimately depends on the type of fish you’re keeping.

Some fish, like Zebra Danios, prefer cooler temperatures of 18°C, while others, like Discus, prefer hotter temperatures of 30°C. Always research your fish’s temperatures preferences prior to purchasing them, and try to keep fish that like similar temperatures together rather than mixing species with different requirements.

Two colourful discus fish swimming in a tropical fish tank

How often should you feed tropical fish?

As a rule of thumb, you should feed your tropical fish at least once per day. Only feed as much as your fish can eat in five minutes, and make sure you remove any uneaten fish food so that it doesn’t dirty your aquarium. To ensure your fish live long and healthy lives, offer them a variety of fish foods, rich in quality ingredients and important vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.