At a glance...
  • More than 90% hatching rate
  • Ideal food for fry and growing fish
  • Will hatch in 18 to 30 hours
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What are Ocean Nutrition Brine Shrimp Eggs?

Ocean Nutrition Brine Shrimp Eggs, also known as artemia cysts, have a hatching rate of more than 90%. They will hatch into Artemia nauplii (baby brine shrimp) in 18 to 30 hours. Artemia nauplii are considered the best live food for fry and growing fish. They’ll also be eaten by adult fish and many invertebrates.

How do I hatch Ocean Nutrition Brine Shrimp Eggs?

To successfully hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs you will need sea salt, a hatching container (a cone shaped container works best), an air supply, heating, a light source, and a thermometer.

Use 25g to 35g (+/- 1 tablespoon) of salt per litre and add +/- 2g of brine shrimp eggs per litre. Use tap water and pour salt into the hatching container with an airline, attached to a running air pump, inside.

When using kitchen salt, it is best is to add +/- 3g (1 teaspoon) of sodium-bicarbonate (baking soda). Make sure the water temperature is maintained between 26-29°C during the incubation period. (Do not exceed 30°C, as improper temperature control is the main reason for a bad hatch).

The airline should reach the bottom of the hatching container to ensure vigorous and homogenous mixing. An air stone is not recommended. Add the eggs to the hatching water and make sure the air keeps eggs in suspension.

Eggs will hatch in 18 to 30 hours. You can harvest by removing the air tube and waiting two to five minutes for the baby brine shrimp to fall to the bottom of the cone. After 24 hours, stop aeration and wait 10 minutes until all baby brine shrimp settle to the bottom. Empty shells will float at the surface. Siphon the nauplii on a sieve, rinse carefully with tap water and feed to your fish.

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