Swell Purple & Green Combination Bush Artificial Plant

A beautiful combination of plants including deep, rich purple-coloured leaves

At a glance...
  • Featuring a variety of leaf shapes
  • Mounted on an artificial branch
  • 25 x 15 x 20cm
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What is Swell Purple & Green Combination Bush Artificial Plant?

Swell Purple & Green Combination Bush Artificial Plant is a decorative artificial plant that is easy to clean, making maintenance as simple as possible. Your tank can look as natural as you would like, without having to deal with the maintenance that live plants require. This plant is made from fish-safe plastic and does not affect your water quality.

The Swell Purple & Green Combination Bush Artificial Plant features a combination of various green plants mounted on a realistic looking branch, with the central plant being deep purple in colour. The rich, dark colour will add a sophisticated contrast in your aquarium, especially complimenting any other darker toned ornaments you may already have. This artificial plant will fit well into any aquarium, especially bringing a unique twist to a natural themed aquarium.

Why should I buy artificial aquarium plants?

Swell Purple & Green Combination Bush Artificial Plant and other artificial aquarium plants come in a range of shapes and colours, allowing you full freedom to make your aquarium look exactly how you imagine. Maintenance is also made far easier as artificial plants do not produce waste like live plants and are easy to wipe down. Keeping aquatic life that is not plant safe or requires low levels of light does not have to mean that you must compromise on having a natural aquarium. With artificial plants, you have much more freedom on the species you keep in your tank.

Why should I add aquarium decorations to my tank?

Aquarium decorations like Swell Purple & Green Combination Bush Artificial Plant provide your fish with space to shelter behind or in, reducing stress which benefits their general health. Not only do they help the health of your fish; aquarium decorations also help the health of your tank by providing plenty of surface area for good bacteria to colonise.

What other aquarium decorations do I need?

You can use whatever decorations you like to add to your aquarium, giving you the opportunity to be creative and style the tank to your tastes. If you would like to add more decorations like this Swell Purple & Green Combination Bush Artificial Plant, we have a range of artificial aquarium plants or check out our other ornaments.


Measurements: 25 x 15 x 20cm

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