Ciano Water Clear & Protection

Keeps your water crystal clear and free of microparticles

At a glance...
  • Removes cloudy haze from aquarium water
  • Quick and easy to dose, add straight to aquarium
  • 100ml bottle treats 400L of aquarium water
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What is Ciano Water Clear & Protection?

Ciano Water Clear & Protection is a water clarifying treatment that removes microparticles from your water column. It works by binding these microparticles together, making them larger and therefore easier for your filter sponges to remove.

Ciano Water Clear & Protection is great at removing cloudy hazes from your water column after a heavy maintenance session or a large re-scape. It’s intended for use in freshwater aquariums and should not be dosed in saltwater aquariums.

How do I use Ciano Water Clear & Protection?

Ciano Water Clear & Protection, like other water clarifiers, can be added directly to your aquarium. Before you do so, however, it’s recommended that you remove any activated carbon from your filter to ensure Ciano Water Clear & Protection functions properly.

To dose, add 10ml for every 40L of aquarium water. Add the dose near the outlet of your filter for maximum spread.

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