
  1. How to keep seahorses
    Categories: AquariumsReefkeepingFish

    How to keep seahorses

    Seahorses are some of the most recognizable marine fish, and everyone wants to keep them. They look very un-fishlike and cute, but they have their challenges.
  2. How long are tropical fish pregnant for?
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How long are tropical fish pregnant for?

    Some of the most popular tropical fish give birth to live young, and the difficulty is often not getting them to breed, but getting them to stop!
  3. What tropical fish lay eggs on the glass?
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    What tropical fish lay eggs on the glass?

    If you find some eggs on the glass one day you may be wondering where they came from, but many fish, such as Corydoras lay eggs on the glass.
  4. How to keep Discus
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How to keep Discus

    Discus are highly sought after and regarded by many as the kings of the freshwater aquarium. But there are a few things you need to know about before you keep them.
  5. What eats cyanobacteria in a reef tank?
    Categories: AquariumsReefkeepingAlgae and PestsFish

    What eats cyanobacteria in a reef tank?

    Cyanobacteria is often mistaken for algae but as the name suggests its a bacteria, not an algae at all. Because its not an algae, it needs to be tackled in different ways.
  6. How to keep angelfish
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How to keep angelfish

    Angelfish are some of the most popular tropical fish of all time and are widely available. They top the lists for many new fishkeepers.
  7. How many fish can I put in a Fluval Flex 57 litre aquarium?
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How many fish can I put in a Fluval Flex 57 litre aquarium?

    The Fluval Flex is a modern-looking aquarium with a funky shape and large filtration capacity. At 41x39x39cm it holds 57 litres/12.5 gallons.
  8. How many fish can I keep in my tank?
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How many fish can I keep in my tank?

    This is one of the most frequently asked questions, and one that we’ll attempt to answer here. But it is subject to many variables which need to be addressed first.
  9. How to keep an Oscar
    Categories: AquariumsFish

    How to keep an Oscar

    Oscars are some of the most popular pet fish because of their character, intelligence and the way they interact with their owners, but are they a good choice for you?