Help Guides
How does a protein skimmer work?
Keep marines and soon you'll be in the market for a protein skimmer. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. -
How to properly take care of Siamese fighting fish
Siamese fighters, or Betta, originate from the warm, fresh waters of Thailand, formerly Siam, and are a favourite for beginner and experienced fishkeepers alike. -
Categories: AquariumsAquascaping
Seven super easy aquarium plants
Fed up of live aquarium plants that disintegrate and die? Stick to these five species and your aquarium will become a green, serene planted tank in no time. -
Categories: Ponds
How to be a better pond keeper
Ponds can be difficult to build and maintain. Here are some pointers that if you stick to you’ll be a problem-free new pond owner in no time. -
Categories: AquariumsReefkeeping
Reef aquarium chores and how to manage them
Divide chores into daily, weekly and monthly. Just 10 minutes a day and an hour a week will keep the tank looking tip-top, leaving lots of time to sit back and enjoy. -
The Swell guide to oddball aquarium fish
Oddball is the term used to describe an aquarium fish which may look or behave unusually and is not suitable for the average community tank. -
The Swell guide to brackish fish
Brackish fish are some of the most well known, distinctive, characterful fish available and include a number of interesting species. -
How to manage reef tank KH and have stable alkalinity
KH is probably the most important water quality parameter after salinity and temperature. More important maybe, than Phosphate. -
Don’t want a heater? Set up a tank for temperate fish
Think of an unheated, coldwater aquarium and you may be forgiven for thinking that your fish choice is limited to goldfish.