Hikari Cichlid Staple

Staple food for baby to large cichlids and other tropical fish

At a glance...
  • Staple food for all cichlid species and tropical fish
  • Contains vitamins, nutrients and protein to promote good health
  • Floating pellets for surface feeding
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My first port of call for all my cichlid food as prices are always great and my fish love it too.

What is Hikari Cichlid Staple fish food?

Hikari Cichlid Staple fish food is a high-quality floating pellet designed to feed tropical fish and cichlids. This daily diet provides a high dose of vitamins, minerals, and a minimum of 35% protein to support healthy growth, as well as providing a balanced diet for good health and vibrant colours. Besides being a staple food, it can also be eaten in conjunction with other foods to make up a varied fish diet.

What are the benefits of feeding Hikari Cichlid Staple fish food?

The Cichlid Gold Floating food is specifically designed to improve colouration and growth in cichlids and tropical fish. The high protein content in each Cichlid Gold Floating pellet is ideal for encouraging fish growth and maintaining a strong immune system in fish.

How do I feed my fish Hikari Cichlid Gold Floating pellet food?

You should feed your fish these floating pellets as a daily diet with feeds two to three times daily. Care should be taken to avoid overfeeding and ensure that the amount you are giving your fish is right for their age and activity level. We recommend removing uneaten food after 10 minutes to reduce the chance of a waste build-up.



Product Mini Medium Large
Pellet type Floating Floating Floating
Bag size 57g, 250g 250g 250g
Pellet size 3.5-5 mm 5-5.5 mm 8-9 mm
Suitable for Baby and small cichlids Medium cichlids Large cichlids and large tropical fish

Nutritional Information

Crude protein Min. 35%
Crude fat Min. 3%
Crude fiber Max. 5%
Moisture Max. 10%
Ash Max. 13%
Phosphorus Max. 1.0%
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