Oase BioMaster Pre-Filter Replacement Foams

Ensure your BioMaster filter is working efficiently

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At a glance...
  • Replacement filter foam for BioMaster Filter and Thermo filters
  • Filters offer mechanical, biological and chemical filtration
  • A range of sizes and types for all BioMaster models
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Replacing filter foams is essential to help maintain a health, clean aquariums. There is no set rule for when your need to replace filter foams in aquarium filters, however, there are some signs such as dirty water circulation, poor water quality and reduction in flow from your filter that help indicate when this needs doing. Although a foam may look fine in appearance, it may have shrunk over time allowing debris to pass this stage of the filter so its advised always having a spare handy to compare.

These foams are seated within the pre-filter section of the BioMaster external filter. as standard the filter comes with the course blue foams, however, there is a fine foam available which is used to catch the finest or particles.

Please note that the Pre-Filter Foam set 4, only one set is required for the 250 and Thermo and the 350 and Thermo. The grade of foam (ppi) is the coarse rating you are selecting. The higher the ppi, the more coarse the foam is. Same applies for the 600 & Thermo.

  250 and Thermo 350 and Thermo 600 and Thermo
Pre-Filter Foam set 4 30ppi 1 set only 1 set only N/A
Pre-Filter Foam Set 4 45ppi " " N/A
Pre-Filter Foam Set 4 60ppi " " N/A
Pre-Filter Foam Set 6 30ppi N/A N/A 1 set only
Pre-Filter Foam Set 6 45ppi N/A N/A "
Pre-Filter Foam Set 6 60ppi N/A N/A "
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