Salifert Profi-Test Kits - Nitrate

Pinpoint problem areas in your aquarium

96 % of 100
At a glance...
  • Designed to test the water in your aquarium for nitrates
  • Kit contains 60 tests that will give speedy results
  • For use in reef aquariums
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The Salifert Profi-Test Nitrate Kit is designed to test the water in your aquarium for nitrates.

Nitrates can be caused when denitrification is not performing properly in the tank, and also if there is a heavy fish volume, producing a lot of waste. Nitrates result in algae growth, which can be stubborn to remove and also affect plant and fish health.

This expert test kit contains 60 tests that will give speedy and reliable results in under 3 minutes. The test is very sensitive too, so it will provide results that you can trust.

The test's range goes from 0.2 - 100mg/l. In a reef aquarium levels should be lower than 1mg/l but slightly higher in a fish only tank.

Regular testing is important to keep an eye on all parameters in the aquarium, as well as regular tank maintenance such as removing uneaten food after a few minutes, keeping filters properly cleaned and performing regular water changes.

Use a suitable nitrate remover to eradicate the problem, we have a wide range here at Swell UK that is ideal to have on hand.

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