CaribSea Aragonite Seafloor Special Sand

The perfect substrate for marine, reef or African Rift Lake cichlids

90 % of 100
At a glance...
  • White sand substrate
  • Aids biological filtration
  • Can be used in aquariums that require high pH levels
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Part of the CaribSea substrates range, the Aragonite Super Reef is designed to enhance the appearance of your aquarium, boost filtration and supports nutrient levels.

Perfect for marine and reef aquariums, this attractive, white sand can also be used in tanks with African Rift Lake Cichlids who require a high pH level. Seaflor buffers the levels to a high 8.2, which lessens the risk of stress to fish.

It also contains a good level of nutrients that are naturally depleted in a busy aquarium. Aragonite Seaflor contains calcium, carbonate and trace elements to keep your tank healthier for longer.

Key Features

  • Boost filtration and supports nutrient levels
  • Aids biological filtration by controlling nitrite, ammonia and other waste by-products
  • Can be used in aquariums that require high pH Levels
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