Blagdon Clean Pond Machine UV Filter System

A fantastic way to ensure the clarity of your pond water

100 % of 100

Blagdon's Clean Pond Machine, building on 10 years of development, has been designed to tackle pond problems which pondkeepers have been struggling with for decades. The Clean Pond Machine is an easy to use and maintain system which deals with green water, brown water, blanketweed, sludge and encourages healthy plants.

Clean Hands System: Turn the handle to rotate the cutting and mixing blades through CHI media, releasing dirt and waste to your garden, keeping hands clean and dry.

5 in 1 Clean Pond Pods: Blagdon's patented direct to filter pod dosing system introduces bacteria and enzymes directly to the waste in the oxygen rich filter chamber, effectively reducing filter cleaning and pond sludge.

Easy Clean CHI Media: Unique 2 in 1 CHI biological and mechanical media creates a clean healthy pond without need for foam. CHI media has a lifetime guarantee and will never need replacing.

UV Green Water Clarifier: Integrated UVC light penetrates pond water killing green water algae and binding it together into larger clumps. Clumps are removed by filter media guaranteeing clear water.

Accessories included:

  • 3 x multi hose tails (inlet, outlet and waste) to fit the following hose diameters, 1½", 1¼", 1", ¾".
  • Models 7000 & 10000 - 6 pods included with first purchase.
  • Models 13000 & 16000 - 9 pods included with first purchase.

Using the Clean Machine and Blagdon Clean Pond Pods:

  • Clears blanketweed.
  • Reduces filter cleaning.
  • Feeds aquatic plants.
  • Eats pond sludge.
  • Makes tapwater safe.
  • Is pet and wildlife safe.
Guarantee Voltage Hz Max Pressure Max Pumping Height IP Rating Cable Length
3 Years 230 50 0.07 bar 7m IP57 3m


Clean Pond Machine Size Pond Size Volume Pond Size Dimensions Approx. (LxWxD) UV Wattage Max Flow Rate through UVC from Pump Recommended Hose Size Tank Volume CHI Media Volume
7000 1900ltrs 2.4m x 1.7m x 0.46m 9w 3,500ltrs / 770gal 25mm / 1" 11.5lt 2.6lt
10000 2800ltrs 3.6m x 1.6m x 0.48m 11w 5,000ltrs/1,100gal 25mm / 1" 11.5lt 3.8lt
13000 3600ltrs 3.6m x 2.0m x 0.49m 13w 6,500ltrs / 1,430gal 32mm / 1¼" 16.8lt 5lt
16000 4500ltrs 4.3m x 2.1m x 0.5m 18w 8,000ltrs / 1,760gal 40mm / 1½" 16.9lt 6lt
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