Oase BioStyle Disposable Cartridge Set

Remove odours and impurities from your aquarium water

At a glance...
  • Mulit-stage filtration cartridges with carbon, zeolite and phosphate
  • Suitable for the Oase BioStyle aquarium filters
  • Available in a 2-pack and a 4-pack
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What are the Oase BioStyle Disposable Cartridge Sets?

The Oase BioStyle Disposable Cartridges are multi-stage filter media cartridges for the Oase BioStyle aquarium filters. Available in a 2-pack and a 4-pack, these cartridges house 3-stage filtration. The 45 ppi filter foam traps debris and waste plus offers a surface area for beneficial bacteria to settle. The Oase BioStyle Disposable Cartridges also house a three chemical media mix. This includes carbon, zeolite and a phosphate binder. This removes odours, impurities and harmful nutrients from your aquarium water.

What are the benefits of using multi-stage filter media?

Activated carbon is a black compound that can be used as a mechanical and chemical filtration media. Carbon is very good for removing the yellow tanning that can occur in freshwater aquariums when bogwood and other natural elements are added as a decoration. Phosphate is a quick and cheap way to slow down the growth of algae in your tank while zeolite allows water to pass through, where a chemical exchange takes place, and harmful ammonia is removed from the water and stored within the zeolite itself instead.

How often should I replace the Oase BioStyle Disposable Cartridge Set?

We recommend replacing the cartridge sets after 4-6 weeks, depending on aquarium size, fish and plant stocking levels plus declines in your filter performance.

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