
  1. How to clean, reduce and remove pond sludge
    Categories: PondsEquipment

    How to clean, reduce and remove pond sludge

    Sludge is ok in natural wildlife ponds but in ponds containing fish, it can lower oxygen levels and encourage algae growth.
  2. Summer pond care
    Categories: Ponds

    Summer pond care

    In the midst of the summer solstice, UK ponds are receiving 18 hours of daylight. Here are some common pond problems around this time.
  3. Frequently asked questions on garden pond liners
    Categories: PondsEquipment

    Frequently asked questions on garden pond liners

    Work out the size of the pond you want to achieve first, then dig it, and measure the maximum length, the maximum width, and the maximum depth.
  4. How to make a water feature
    Categories: PondsEquipment

    How to make a water feature

    Gardening has boomed since Lockdown, with many people spending more time in their outdoor spaces than ever before.
  5. How to keep your fish pond cool in summer
    Categories: PondsEquipment

    How to keep your fish pond cool in summer

    Hot weather can cause real problems for some pond fish and it’s in heatwaves and during warm, muggy nights that your fish are most likely to succumb.
  6. How to get rid of blanketweed in a pond
    Categories: PondsAlgae and Pests

    How to get rid of blanketweed in a pond

    Being an algae, Blanketweed needs light, water and food to survive. Without those three ingredients it won’t get started in the first place and by controlling two of them, it can help us tackle it once established.
  7. How to build a waterfall
    Categories: PondsEquipment

    How to build a waterfall

    There are few things more pleasing than the sight and sound of running water in the garden, but how do you build a waterfall?
  8. How to get rid of green algae in a pond naturally
    Categories: PondsAlgae and Pests

    How to get rid of green algae in a pond naturally

    There are many chemical-free, natural ways to rid a pond of green algae, so we've put together a useful guide detailing these to make things easier for you.
  9. How to Heron proof a pond
    Categories: PondsEquipment

    How to Heron proof a pond

    Facebook groups are filled with pond owners either seeing Herons around their ponds or actually taking fish. So how do you Heron proof a garden pond?