Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L

A miniature slice of nature that can fit on your desktop

100 % of 100
At a glance...
  • 25 litre fish tank suitable for tropical and coldwater fish
  • Includes clip-on LED light, filter, heater and other essentials
  • Small aquarium that can fit in a lot of different spaces

I received the aquarium next day with no problems, great service and it looks really good!

100 % of 100

What is this Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L?

The Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L is a small fish tank kit that's perfect for those who want to keep small tropical freshwater fish. Complete with all the equipment you'll need to get started, plus some extras, it's a fantastic introduction to the fishkeeping hobby. With a 25-litre capacity, this aquarium will provide a perfect home for shrimps and small-sized fish, like bettas, endlers and guppies - some of the best fish for small aquariums.

Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L

The Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L is packed with great value equipment. In this bundle are the following items:

  • A Swell open-top 28cm fish tank made of durable, 4mm-thick glass.
  • An LED light that's both powerful and energy-efficient.
  • An aquarium heater perfect for maintaining tropical conditions.
  • An internal filter that's more than capable of filtering this 25L aquarium.
  • An aquarium net designed for a wide range of fishkeeping tasks.
  • An easy-to-read thermometer.
  • A bottle of aquarium dechlorinator to make your tap water safe.
  • A tub of fish food that offer your fish a balanced diet.

Is this Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L easy to set up and maintain?

Yes, this Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L is very easy to set up and maintain. Prior to set up, find a suitable spot to put it. This spot needs to be flat, level and supported by some strong and reliable furniture - it might be a small fish tank but 25 litres of water is deceptively heavy!

After finding a suitable spot, attach your clip-on LED light to the rim of the aquarium, the filter and heater to the inside of the aquarium. Before you turn your filter and heater on, make sure that you have filled the aquarium with water. If you're adding gravel, sand, decorations or plants, it's easier to do this before you fill the aquarium with water. Once your fish tank is up and running the cycling process can begin - check out our aquarium help guides to learn more about this essential process.

All fish tanks require some regular maintenance after set-up, but with this aquarium it's easy, you don't even need to remove the clip-on light. An open-top gives you clear access to the entire aquarium, making water changes, algae scraping and general cleaning quick and easy.

What else should I buy with this Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L?

This Swell 28cm Cube Tropical LED Aquarium Kit 25L comes with everything you need to get your first aquarium up and running. To make it your own, you may want to add some extras like substrate, plants and aquarium decor to make it look like a real underwater world. It might also be worth stocking up on some fish food and dechlorinator for that time when your supplies from this kit inevitably run out.


Product Specifications

Brand Swell
Dimensions 28 x 28 x 33cm
Volume 25L
Tropical? Yes
Coldwater? Yes
Marine? No
Guarantee 1 Year
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