Swell Marine Tank Media Bundle

Collection of filter media for your marine aquarium

At a glance...
  • Collection of filter media designed for your marine aquarium
  • Removes dangerous nitrates from your aquarium
  • Allow beneficial bacteria to grow and breakdown organic substances
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What is the Swell Marine Tank Media Bundle?

The Swell Marine Tank Media Bundle is a set of filter media for your marine aquarium. It will allow beneficial bacteria to grow and break down organic substances that are produced by plants and fish. It will also remove chlorine from the tap water that you use in your aquarium to make it safe for your aquatic residents

What is included in this bundle?

How will this help your fish?

All of the products contained in this bundle will help your aquarium by making it safe for your fish to live in and will help remove any bad chemicals such as nitrates and phosphates which can be extremely harmful to your aquarium inhabitants. They can also reduce the growth of algae which can cause a lot of damage to your plants.

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